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एउटा ठाउँ कल्पना गर्नुहोस् जहाँ प्रत्येक बच्चाहरु फुलजस्तै फुल्छन, जहाँ प्रात्यक्षिक ज्ञान, अनुमानिक ज्ञान र शाब्दिक ज्ञान सिकाउनका लागि सबैजनाले मिहिनेत गर्छन र जहाँ असल व्यक्ति, नागरिक र अगुवा बन्न सिकाइन्छ । एउटा यस्तो ठाउँ जहाँ बच्चाहरू को हुन् ? उनीहरू कति मूल्यवान हुन्छन् त्यसको अनुभव गराइन्छ, जहाँ उनीहरूको सिकाइ यात्रा मूल्यवान हुन्छ, आदर गरिन्छ । स्कुल जहाँ असल नागरिक बनाउन चरित्र निर्माणका लागि कुनै कसर बाँकी राखिँदैन । तपाइँको बच्चालाई शिक्षा दिनका लागि महत्त्वपूर्ण प्रक्रियामा सहयोग गर्न तपाईंले विश्वास गर्न ठाउँ हो न्यु मिलेनियम एकेडेमी । यहाँलाई न्यु मिलेनियम एकेडेमीमा स्वागत छ !


Our Primary section focuses on providing quality education for children and take part in a range of practical…


We provide secondary education, between the ages of 11 and 19 depending on location, after primary school and before higher education.


We believe that students should be given individual care according to their needs. Every student at our school…

Welcome Message

We are excited to welcome the students to our academy. Our goal is to support all students academically and socially. We will make every effort to graduate the students and make them professionally sound, to complete in the increasingly competitive world in which they will live and work. We encourage all students to be responsible citizens, self – reliant and to set high goals for themselves as they reach for their dreams. So to complete this goal we welcome you to New Millennium Academy, Budhanilkantha-11, Kathmandu. Best Wishes!!

What we offer?

Scholarship Opportunities

We provide scholarships for both needy and talented students, ensuring equal access to education.

Sports Facilities

We offer a diverse array of sports facilities to cater to various interests and foster physical development among our students.

Qualified Faculty

Our faculty consists of highly qualified and dedicated educators committed to delivering quality education.

Critical Thinking Education

We prioritize teaching methods that foster critical thinking and deep understanding, preparing students for real-world challenges.

Personality Development

Beyond academics, we focus on nurturing students’ holistic development, fostering qualities such as leadership and empathy.

Balanced Curriculum

Our curriculum strikes a balance between academics and extracurricular activities, offering a well-rounded educational experience.

well equipped classrooms:

Our classrooms are equipped with modern amenities and resources to facilitate effective teaching and learning, providing students with a conducive environment for academic excellence.

Advanced Computer Labs:

Our state-of-the-art computer labs are equipped with the latest technology and software, allowing students to develop essential digital skills and explore innovative applications across various fields of study.

Well-Facilitated Library:

Our library is a hub of knowledge and learning, stocked with a diverse collection of books, journals, and digital resources to support research, self-study, and academic pursuits.


Academic Competitions and Challenges:

Organize academic competitions such as spelling bees, math Olympiads, science fairs, and debate tournaments to encourage intellectual curiosity and critical thinking skills among students.

Cultural Festivals and Celebrations:

Host cultural festivals and celebrations to celebrate diversity and promote cultural understanding. Events like international days, cultural performances, and food fairs can provide opportunities for students to learn about different cultures and traditions.

Sports Tournaments and Fitness Challenges:

Arrange sports tournaments and fitness challenges to promote physical activity and teamwork. Events like inter-house sports competitions, track and field meets, and fitness challenges can encourage students to lead active and healthy lifestyles.

Science and Technology Expos:

Organize science and technology expos to showcase student projects and innovations. Exhibitions featuring robotics demonstrations, coding challenges, and engineering competitions can ignite interest in STEM fields and inspire future innovators.

Our Ideals and Goals

Advocating for Peace, Freedom, and Democracy

We firmly believe that peace, freedom, and democracy are foundational pillars upon which prosperous and harmonious societies are built. Through advocacy and action, we strive to safeguard and promote these values, ensuring they remain central to our collective aspirations.

Creating a Vision for the Future

We envision a future characterized by boundless opportunities and shared prosperity for both our nation and its people. Through collaborative efforts, we endeavor to cultivate a compelling vision that inspires hope, ambition, and a sense of purpose, guiding individuals and society towards fulfilling their potential.

Entrepreneurship Training

Entrepreneurship lies at the heart of innovation, economic dynamism, and job creation. Thus, we are dedicated to nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit by providing training, resources, and support to aspiring entrepreneurs. Our aim is to cultivate a culture of creativity, innovation, and resilience, empowering individuals to turn their ideas into impactful ventures.

Respecting Rights and Laws

Fundamental to the fabric of a just and equitable society is the unwavering respect for human rights and the rule of law. We advocate for the protection and promotion of these rights, fostering a culture of mutual respect, tolerance, and accountability. Upholding the rule of law ensures that justice prevails and that all individuals are treated fairly and equally under the law.

Promoting Ethics and Fighting Corruption

Ethical conduct and transparency are essential cornerstones of good governance and societal trust. We are steadfast in our commitment to promoting ethical behavior and combating corruption in all its forms. By championing integrity, accountability, and responsible leadership, we strive to build a society where public trust is upheld, and corruption is decisively addressed.

Message from Chairman

Shyam Prasad Mainali

Education is a right and not a privilege. It is indeed the differentiating characteristic of success. The positive impact of Education on earning, wages, and economic growth are well documented. It is, therefore, an outlook that gives a definite purpose in life. Although education may encompass information, knowledge, and skills, its boundary extends far beyond these points. Garnering wisdom, insight and selfless ambitions are also encompassed by education. The education, in fact, is the elixir to becoming a responsible citizen and a good human being. The preceding sentences are a precise depiction of what NMC has envisaged.

Message from Managing Director

Deepak Raj Joshi

I want to start my message by thanking those people who have believed in education as a means of social construction. It is an honor for me to give you the most cordial welcome to our college. I believe that education is the key to developing a new generation with a new mentality. The people who have developed and transcended through times have put their best efforts in the field of education. It should be noted that this new generation is different from ours, but they are equally important and with opportunities that most probably, past generations did not have

Message from Principal

Rajendra Rijal

New Millennium academy (NMA) is a premier academic institution established in 2000 AD by reputed academicians and seasoned educationists. The college has produced many national and international personalities during its more than decade-long history. The outstanding results and esteemed fame of the college are due to it’s strong dedicated, enthusiastic, creative and productive management team. Our team believes that every student possesses some kind of hidden aptitude and potentiality. NMC makes students explore their aptitude and potentiality. So that a young citizen of the nation becomes an international personality.

a school is second home for your child